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We're all about spreading the wonders of our underwater world, far and wide. Here's a small sample of what we've written, where you can see our words and the fintabulous media partnerships we've secured including Ocean Geographic Society.  

Oceans IQ Science Talk - Ocean Sunfish
Ocean Geographic Society Magazine Edition 52

There are a lot of weird animals in the ocean and on top of that list are ocean sunfish. They’re a funny fish that look as though they got stuck in a sandwich press. This also makes them look like a massive swimming head. Don’t look their odd looks fool you though, these endangered fish are the heavyweights of the ocean. Find out why….

To find out more about Ocean Geographic Magazine, their work and to subscribe to their quarterly magazine dive into their website here.


OCEANS IQ - An ATO and ACNC registered

Not-for-profit organisation


Project Partners

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